Why We Need Your Support
There are a few affordable programs available for all youth including middle and high school youth in Volusia/Flagler Counties, after school and during the summer. However, we are the only after school program that offers structured high yield learning activities, at no cost to our families. These years are critical times for young people who are making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Experimenting with drugs and alcohol, gangs, poor choices in school, unhealthy eating and exercise habits, and premature sexual activity are all potential behaviors that students can develop when they are not in a safe, positive environment after school and during the summer.
Become a Corporate Sponsor
Want to change the lives of the most vulnerable children and teens who reside in Volusia/Flagler Counties and impact the future of our community? They may not have the resources or role models they need to chart a better path. Corporate partners like you have the power to change the lives of these kids and impact the future of the community in which we all live. Your investment will help build an educated workforce, healthy and active community, and a County full of young leaders. Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Counties has many opportunities available for corporate sponsorships. If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Stephanie Ecklin at
Corporate Philanthropy
We are always looking for strategic partners who can invest in our mission. You have a unique opportunity to align your brand with Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Counties and share the good work you are doing in the community with your customers. Let them know you care about the community in which they live and intend to serve. For more information or to discuss sponsorship opportunities that match your needs, contact Stephanie Ecklin, Director of Development, at or call (386) 734-0555.
Share Your Time and Talent at Our Events
If you are interested in volunteering at our county-wide events, we would love to have you. Click here to see our Calendar of Events. To learn more about the opportunities, contact Stephanie Ecklin at
Clubs Wish List
Our Clubs are always in need of school and art supplies, backpacks, and gift cards for our teens. For more information contact: Chance McElveen at or Mike Medford at
Give Today
Every gift helps, big or small! Your support will help the 500 kids who visit our Clubs each day. Thank you, we appreciate all you do!
Volunteer With Us at a Club
We are always looking for both individuals and groups to offer their energy, time, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of our youth and keep our Clubs in top condition.
Whether you help with homework, coach a game, serve as a mentor, or teach an art project, you’ll have the opportunity to build healthy relationships with young people eager for adult guidance and have a positive impact on their lives. In turn, you will find that spending time with these young people has a positive impact on you as well.
Volunteer groups provide support to our Clubhouses on either a one-time or recurring basis. Groups can choose to help with daily programs, beautification projects, and/or Clubhouse events. We can accommodate groups of three to 30 participants. Note: For planning purposes, groups are asked to contact us at least three (3) weeks in advance if they are interested in a special project. Because of Club schedules and facilities, we are not able to accommodate every group’s request to volunteer.
A great way to engage your employees who are interested in making a meaningful difference in the lives of children is by giving them a platform to give back. Whether it’s helping to coach sports, mentor, or provide homework assistance to young people, the Club has several opportunities that are ideal for individuals who can commit to volunteering at least once or twice a month.
If you would like to volunteer, contact a Club Unit Director for more information. Click here to find a Club near you.

Become a Pathway to Great Futures Walkway Sponsor
Honor your family or someone special by memorializing the impact they had in your life or in their community.
Purchase a brick and personalize it with your name, the name of your mentor, someone special to you, or your company along with an inspirational message. Your brick will become a part of our Pathway to Great Futures walkway in front of the new Althea Ross-Chavers “The Beautiful” Teen Center.
Each 4 x 8-inch brick is $100 and includes engraving of up to three lines of text with 18 characters per line including spaces, and punctuation. Become a Pathway to Great Futures Walkway Sponsor and click here to order your brick today!
For other ways to contribute and support our center, contact Stephanie Ecklin, Director of Development at secklin@bgcvfc.
Give them a place to go as they grow.
Help us in our mission to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, caring citizens and leaders.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Counties
101 N Woodland Blvd., Suite 400, DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734-0555
M-F: 9am-5pm, S-S: Closed

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.