Watching Him Grow

Watching Him Grow

A Junior Staffer did not have much of a voice when I started as PD and seemed very uncomfortable. I worked on him every day bringing him out. Now he is comfortable, speaks, plays with other kids, and plans activities. It has been so wonderful watching him grow.
Came Together

Came Together

The teens at my Club have become a unit. When I first started at the Club, I was afraid to work with the teens because older kids can be strong, but the teens really came together as a unit and became a family, they can count on each other. —Davion
Encouraged to Share

Encouraged to Share

Summer-long process of mentoring Jalynn a middle schooler on appropriate behaviors and coping mechanisms, helped her reach out and make friends. I was able to encourage her to share feelings and emotions, gave her time to express herself, and encouraged and coached...
Once a Club Kid

Once a Club Kid

When our kids are enjoying themselves so much, they don’t want to go home. My Jr. Staff was once a Club kid and now she is working for the Boys & Girls Clubs movement. Seeing her growth in the Club is a great moment. —Carolyn
Not a Bully

Not a Bully

Travis thought he was a bully, I told him he wasn’t and over some time he started to act better. —Malik
Talking it Out

Talking it Out

Noticed a child’s behavior improve over the summer. Also, a pair of twins who often bicker would resolve their issues by talking it out. They would need to be prompted to allow the other to express themselves.